
International & Environmental Law, Expert/Consultant/Artist

Elvira Pushkareva has over 20 years of progressively senior and responsible experience providing strategic policy advice, designing, implementing, managing, and evaluating complex policy programmes in the field of international environmental law, law of the sea, SDGs, and human rights while working for the EU, UNEP, WWF, and in academia. Since 2014 she has been a consultant with UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi providing strategic advice and legal research opinion on international environmental law and human rights. For example, she advised UNEP on UNEP’s Indigenous Peoples Policy and grievance mechanism, participated in the project on good practices on human rights protection and the environment carried out by UNEP, OHCHR, and the IEE. Starting from 2022 she has been providing support to OCHA and UNEP in their projects in Ukraine, e.g. she evaluated the OCHA Project on Environmental Advisory Supporting to the Humanitarian Response in Ukraine and provided strategic advice on coordination and increasing integration of environmental considerations into humanitarian response planning and implementation.

Elvira has a PhD degree in Environmental Law and a PhD degree in International Law. She is a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers (Germany) and the Fulbright Programme Fellowship for Senior Researchers (USA). She has been a visiting professor at the New York University, the Georgetown University, the University of Georgia, among others.

Elvira Pushkareva’s arts practice was established alongside her scholarship at HIAS through 2022 and 2023. Her creative expression was galvanized by numerous workshops and discussions on freedom of arts and sciences her premiere exhibition was organized in Hamburg with success in May 2023. Since then Elvira Pushkareva continues using the canvas as a new medium to express her views and more than 20 years of professional experience in this field.

Through the artistic process, unexpected new impressions, reflections and insights about the law of international commons, the principle of non-violent conflict, international environmental law and human rights emerge. Elvira Pushkareva believes that in a world of the digital, visualization and haptics can help make the complex set of rules more accessible and create awareness among a wider audience.